Asbestos Compensation
In the UK, asbestos is one of the greatest causes of work related deaths. Despite many warnings, employers disregarded obligations to their employees to ensure they were safe when working with asbestos.
Millions of people were exposed to asbestos dust or fibres at work as its use in the construction, shipbuilding and aircraft industries was common.
Therefore many people working in industry have been negligently exposed to asbestos which can affect them later on in life.
You may be able to claim compensation for an asbestos related disease such as asbestos induced lung cancer, asbestosis, mesothelioma and pleural plaques or if you developed a disease or cancer as a result of being exposed to asbestos in the workplace.
We take a compassionate approach to your claim, and always put forward a personalised, strong and professional case with the aim to settle matters in the shortest possible timeframe and with the best possible results for you and your family.
You and your family’s best interests are our top priority throughout the case.